My Best Batch of Cookies Yet!

These have been my best batch of chocolate chip cookies to date using the recipe posted on this site so I just had to post a picture of them to commemorate the event.  The only change I made was I used milk and white chocolate swirl chips and I watched them very closely while they were baking.  They turned out super soft and chewy and I had great reviews from my co-workers.

Salmon Potato Cakes

I have been wanting to try a salmon cake recipe for some time and it made a perfect rainy day, comfort food dinner.  I served this with a side salad as the cakes are quite heavy and slightly rich.  I would have used dill and/or chives in this recipe but there were none to be had at the market this week.  I should really grow my own herbs since trying to find the herbs I want at any given time can be quite challenging.

In this recipe I am baking a salmon fillet for the cakes, however you can use canned salmon if you wish.  I prefer fresh salmon.

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