Back in the Game!

I realize it has been quite some time since our last post but I want to re-try the cooking blog.  I have many and sundry excuses for dropping the blog; ranging from the “Winter Blues”, fatigue to sheer laziness and procrastination.  And also not wanting to admit that I stopped making bread. While I loved having homemade bread, the time factor really played on me.  And I have chosen instead to focus on spending time with my family, enjoying my weekends out and about, learning to play my bass and soon rowing.  There really isn’t much time for anything else.  That being said we are still cooking meals that we’d like to share with our friends and family, so the blog made it on the list as well.

To celebrate my return to blogging, I have a new recipe to share that the collective group has dubbed “Meat Bread”.

Stay tuned!